Did you mean this : Sixth Call Nikolai Tesla ?

... depth and it must be understood. You’re going to find practically in the whole history of my life that I’ve been searching ... search is the human vocation. It is what human beings are called to. Consciously or unconsciously, implicitly explicitly, read more...

... tests), the older man invited Tom to move in. As Tom recalls, there was no particular job description for his position; ... two memos on Fetzer’s 1989 “Final Principles” statement call for renewed reflection on Fetzer’s own summing up of his read more...

... Date: September 11, 2014 John Fetzer and the Influence of Nikola Tesla (September 11, 2014) In 1986 three Fetzer Foundation ... of early 20th century inventor and experimental physicist Nikola Tesla, saying: As a young electrical engineer on the campus read more...

... I made a spreadsheet*, with a chronology going vertically down the left side, and made spreadsheet entries of ... Jesus took him right up through the elevator into what John called the cosmos. And he had the feeling that Jesus had said to read more...

John E. Fetzer and Theosophy October 21, 2019

... Lodge or Brotherhood. It was they, she reported, who psychically conveyed the information that appeared in Isis Unveiled. ... salvation” signaled by the appearance of a messianic figure called the “World Teacher.” Leadbeater identified a young Indian read more...

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